
Xamarin devexpress customunboundcolumndata
Xamarin devexpress customunboundcolumndata

xamarin devexpress customunboundcolumndata

How-to-select-data-rows-e1666/CS/DXGrid_RowSelection/Window1.xaml#元5 How-to-display-an-icon-in-an-unbound-column-based-on-the-value-stored-in-a-bound-column-e1266/CS/UnboundColumnWithIcons_CodeBehind/Window1.xaml#L16 View Example: How to Create Unbound Columns This column should display the total price, calculated as follows: UnitPrice * UnitsOnOrder. This example shows how to add an unbound column to the GridControl. If you want to maintain a clean MVVM pattern and populate unbound columns with data in a View Model, create a command and bind it to the CustomUnboundColumnDataCommand property. The GridColumnDataEventArgs.Value property returns the modified cell value that you can save to a custom data source. Save Changes The GridColumnDataEventArgs.IsSetData property returns true when a user changes a cell value. Specify the GridColumnDataEventArgs.Value property to display data in the unbound column. The GridColumnDataEventArgs.ListSourceRowIndex property returns the processed row’s index in a grid’s data source. Display Unbound Data The GridColumnDataEventArgs.IsGetData property returns true when the GridControl populates unbound columns with data. Handle the CustomUnboundColumnData event to populate unbound columns with data and save changes to a custom data source. You can calculate unbound column values based on values of bound columns or populate unbound columns with data from a custom data source. Unbound Columns are not bound to any field in the data source.

xamarin devexpress customunboundcolumndata

Returns the value of the specified cell within the processed row in the grid’s data source. Returns the value of the specified cell within the specified row in the grid’s data source. The event data class exposes the following methods: Method

Xamarin devexpress customunboundcolumndata